Category Archives: Uncategorized

3DS Nintendo E-Shop Game Review: Witch and Hero


One of my favorite things to do in the e-shop is looks for small indie games that cost less than a couple dollars. When I found Witch & Hero, I decided to make an impulse purchase and give it a go. 

Witch & Hero is about… well, a witch and a hero who go off and try to defeat the evil Medusa. Though they come close, the two fail, and before Medusa kicks them out of her castle, she turns the witch to stone. Your job is to level back up, max out your attack, speed and defend stats, and beat Medusa to break the curse on the witch. 

Levels play out like this: You play as the hero, bumping into enemies to damage them (you take a bit of damage yourself, but you don’t die. When you run out of HP on the hero, you spin out for a few seconds, making you unable to move or attack while you regain health. The only time you lose is if the witches HP is brought to zero by being hit by bad guys). The witch sits in the middle of the playing filed, completely frozen and unable to attack, so it’s your job as the hero to kill baddies before they get to the witch, simple as that.

When I find a cheap game that’s a decent game to play through, I feel like I’ve found a gem, and Witch & Hero is defiantly a gem worth buying. It’s simple, addicting, and gives you the satisfying feeling of grinding levels a fair amount and taking on nearly 100 baddies at once. It’s 3 bucks on the Nintendo e-shop, and I highly recommend that you check it out.


Sorry guys! I came back later than I had hoped, and things are still a bit iffy around here. I wanted to let you guys know that the site is NOT dead (far from it!), I’ve just been extremely busy! For a while, the site may have some little reviews, but hopefully I can get started on 2 week projects again soon! Thanks for sticking with me, you guys!


See you next year!

Hey guys! So you may be wondering “Hey Em, where in the heckie heck have you been?!” Well, I haven’t felt motivated, at all. So I’m going on hiatus until the end of January so I can take some time to be with my family for the holidays and take care of myself during the winter. Also, everyone knows that when Christmas comes around, a lot of new games are released, so I’ll be wanting to play some newer games instead of older ones. (THOUGH I STILL LOVE MY COLLECTION DON’T GET ME WRONG!)

If you wanna find me at all, you can message me on here, or come comment and say hi at Gamer Logics like page! Thank you so much guys for sticking with me this year, I’ll see you after the holidays! So Happy New Year and Happy Holidays!

~Em of System Shuffle Reviews

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards


I adore Kirby. I’ve always loved Kirby games, and it’s by far one of the most successful series of platform games in the gaming industry. Though as much as I loved Kirby as a kid, there was one Kirby game that I had never played. Funny enough, this game title is one of the most beloved Kirby games of all time. In fact, my boyfriend Mark was so shocked that I hadn’t played before, he made me review it for you guys. (Which I have no problems with! It’s a Kirby game after all, it can’t be bad.) So this week, I’ll be telling you guys about my first time playing Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards


To give those who have never played any sort of Kirby game a little background, Kirby is a lovable pink ball that floats around and sucks up enemies to copy their abilities. Usually he uses these abilities to beat baddies and bosses to beat the game. It’s an extremely simple concept, but that’s one of the reasons that Kirby is so popular. The controls are never complex, the stages are never overly difficult, and every level is always colorful and pleasing to see. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards was released on the Nintendo 64 in North America June 26, 2000, and was later released as downloadable content for the Wii in 2008. The game was developed by HAL Laboratory, the same team that developed games such as Earthbound, SimCity, and Pokemon Snap.

kirby 6  kirby 7

So let’s start at the beginning of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. On a planet inhabited by fairies, a dark power called Dark Matter invades and begins to consume the planet. Before it was too late, a little fairy named Ribbon flew to where the planets sacred crystal was held, took it in her arms and began to fly through space with the treasure to protect it. Dark Matter chases her down, and ends up shattering the crystal into pieces that scatter throughout the galaxy. Ribbon then falls and lands on Kirby’s home planet, where she realizes that she only had one of the crystal shards on hand. Kirby, being the little hero he is, volunteers to help Ribbon recover the crystal shards and defeat Dark Matter to save her home planet. The story is very cute, and although the plot is predictable, what more could you expect from a Kirby game? The whole point of every Kirby game is to find the bad guys and save the day. 

kirby 4  kirby 5
kirby 8

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards is a 2.5D platform game, meaning while the graphics are 3D, you can only side scroll. You have one button to jump (keep pressing it to float around), a button to suck in enemies, and a button to eject powers out of Kirby so that you may get a new ability. There’s something about this Kirby game that makes it very unique, and it makes me wonder why HAL Laboratory didn’t put this in any Kirby games released after Crystal Shards. Usually Kirby is only able to have one ability as a time, while in The Crystal Shards if you have an ability, eject it from yourself and then throw the power-up at a different enemy, those power-ups will combine, making tons of possible powers for the players to experience.  I loved this about the game, since there we’re power-ups that you could combine that either made you a human firework, or turned you into a fridge so you can throw food at your enemies while picking up the food afterwards to heal. As for the rest of the game, it’s very straight forward. Get from start to finish, while trying to find the 3 crystal shards hidden in each level. The bosses are easy, but not so easy that you don’t have to put effort into the fight. The game is either loved or hated for how simple the game play actually is, but for a lot of people it’s a nostalgia bomb ready to go off as they play and remember playing as a kid. In fact, with how simple the game actually is to play, it’s extremely family friendly in that you don’t have to be younger or older to be good at it. Anyone can play without much frustration.

kirbykirby 2    kirby 3

Another thing that I enjoyed about the game is the fact that there’s a mini-game mode where you can play with multiple players. There are 3 mini-games in total, and none of the games have more than 2 controls to memorize, making it easy to understand for those who don’t game very much or are younger. There are different characters to play from, and if you and another player want to play the same person, the game just turns one of the players a different color so that the two can tell the difference. Although the games are short and there are just a few of them available to play, they’re definitely worth checking out.

Overall, I enjoyed the game and I wish I had it when I was a kid. I feel like this is a great game for younger kids to play if they’re just starting to learn how to game, while it’s enjoyable to revisit if you’re an older gamer. This is a game I’d also show my parents and have them try out as well, since the controls aren’t hard to figure out and it’s easy to navigate through a game that only lets you move left and right. Looking back at Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, it makes me appreciate how far Kirby games have come and just how much they’ve grown. I still wish they’d bring back the option to fuse your abilities together especially with todays graphics and technology, but I guess that gives players more of a reason to revisit this old gem of a game. 

By the way, I’m giving away some prizes on our Facebook page! 
Got something to ask me? Wanna show me something? Want to send a game request?
Shoot me an email at
or check out our facebook page!

Tip of the day: Garage Sales!

I know the title doesn’t scream “gaming”, but what if I told you it secretly does? Spring is in the air, the holiday season is officially over (up north we had snow until 2 weeks ago, thank god that’s over) and you know what that means? Garage sales. “But Em, I’m a grown man in his 20’s-30’s why would I show up at some old ladies garage sale?” Well I’ll show you why:

This is the NES/SNES section of my collection. See those few games with white tags and orange tags? Those are games I bought from stores. I have a little few in there that were donated to me by Mike from Gamer Logic, and the rest of them? The rest of the 4/5 of all of those games? Garage sales. Yes, even those boxed games with manuals are from a garage sale (my old chem teachers to be exact). When Spring comes around, kids are getting rid of games they got for Christmas that they don’t want, systems, controllers that need the littlest bit of cleaning. Parents (especially Moms) have their kids off at college or kids that are moved out. What do those kids leave behind? Game Gears, handhelds, DDR pads, Gamecube and PS2 games, and so on. I went to a garage sale last year that was closing, and they looked like they had nothing at all good to sell UNTIL I came across a grocery bag with a STACK of Nintendo Powers. I got them all for a DOLLAR. Also in that stack were game GUIDES for Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, and others. I also got an Xbox with a DDR pad, 5 controllers, and a stack of games for 40$ at another garage sale.

So I don’t care if you’re a college dude that thinks he’s too cool to stop at some old ladies garage sale, this is the best collectors advice I can honestly give. So when you’re driving and you see a garage sale sign, go out of your way to stop there because you may be going home with some new games.

Leaving for Florida in 1 1/2 weeks?!

Yes, I’m sorry you guys! I’ll be gone from March 31st – April 7th.
The reason I’m putting this up now though is because even though I’ll be gone,
I still want to review a game or do something so I can come back with a good article for you guys. My family and I are driving there, not flying, so the trip will be about 16 hours long with stops at hotels and such. I’m not exactly sure what I should do while I’m gone on the trip, so I’m putting up a poll for your ideas. I’ll have a review waiting to be published the first Monday of April for you guys, so don’t worry.

I don’t have to do a review, I can do other stuff with my hand held games so I can come back with a good article for you guys! So please help me out and vote!